Each year the All Things Italian Street Festival presents an assortment of Italian musical instruments and vocal arrangements from opera to Italian folk music, from classical guitar to the zampogna (Italian bagpipes).
In 2012, the festival invited several zampogna players from throughout the U.S. and Italy to play together in what was called "the largest gathering of zampognari ever in the U.S." We are thrilled to welcome many of those same zampognari back this year.
Lionel Bottari belongs to a family of traditional Italian entertainers, counting among his skills puppetry and playing the Italian "zampogna" bagpipe. We hope Lionel will perform again this year with his friend renowned clown and juggler Douglas Grew from Chicago
One of the best parts of this festival is to hear the music of the extremely talented festival musicians who perform on the streets and side alleys of the Fairfield Square.
Iowa City Tenor Quiliano Anderson performs with Way Off Broadway soprano Margaret Clair from Fairfield accompanied by Doug Daller.